GAZ -Test case
Our test cases for dye penetrant, magnetic particle and visual inspection offer you reliable results. Order now for effective material testing and safe welds. Our test kits are equipped with high quality materials and tools to provide you with accurate and reliable testing. Dye penetrant inspection and magnetic particle inspection allow you to detect fine cracks and defects on the surface of materials and welds. Visual inspection is a simple yet important method of detecting defects such as voids, holes and imperfections on the surface of materials and welds. Our visual inspection cases are equipped with a variety of tools to help you perform a detailed and thorough inspection. Case sets for crack detection / weld inspection Ideal for laboratory trolleys, customers and outdoor use. Contains everything needed for a standard-compliant testing operation. Choose from coordinated test cases in the areas of penetrant testing, magnetic particle testing and visual inspection or put together your own case for magnetic particle testing in our case configurator. on.

Discover our high-quality test cases for penetrant testing....

Discover our high-quality test cases for magnetic particle...

Our test case for visual inspection is the perfect tool for a...